If you want to change your appearance easily and have unlimited styling possibilities then wigs are just what you need. But among other things, people wearing wigs usually find it difficult to deal with tangling which spoils their appearance. That is why learning how not to allow tangling would help increase its lifespan making sure that it stays smooth as well as looks more natural.

In this article, we will go ahead and discuss important tips on how to keep your wig from tangling focusing mainly on synthetic and human hair wigs. When you follow these steps daily, there will be no signs of fizziness, thereby, newly bought kind of hair always being seen.

1. Brush Your Wig Regularly

One of the most effective methods of avoiding tangles is through regular brushing which is quite simple. This distributes natural oils, removes debris, and smoothens the strands irrespective of whether you use synthetic hair or human hair. The secret lies in using a wide tooth comb or a special wig brush that does not catch onto delicate strands.

Always start from the tip then gradually move up to the roots loosening knots and tangles along the way. Do not brush your wet wig especially if it is made from synthetic hair because this could result in breakage and eventually lead to tangles. It’s best to separate curls using fingers or a wide tooth comb rather than brushing for curly wigs.

2. Wash Your Wig Properly

Another important aspect of preventing tangles in your wig is to wash it regularly, but not too often. The frequency at which you should wash it depends on how many times you wear it, but usually after every 8 to 10 wears is a good rule of thumb. This is how you can wash your wig without causing tangles:

● Use lukewarm water and wig-friendly shampoo:

For human hair wigs, sulfate-free shampoos work best as they are gentle and won’t strip the hair off of moisture.

● Soak, don’t scrub or rub:

Get a basin of water and put your wig in, then gently take it out allowing the shampoo to do its job cleaning the hair strands inside it. Rubbing or scrubbing makes friction, making tangles possible which should be avoided at all costs.

● Condition thoroughly:

Conditioner is your wig’s best friend, especially for human hair wigs. A wig-safe conditioner will maintain soft strands that are hydrated thus tangle-free.

● Finally let your wig air dry:

Once you are done rinsing, set your wig on a stand intended for wigs or basins meant for air drying wigs only. For synthetic wigs, never use a blow dryer since heat will damage them, although human hair can tolerate low heat.

3. Use A Leave-In Conditioner

A light leave-in conditioner will keep your wig glossy and hydrated, especially if it’s a human hair wig. Most of the time hair tangles, dryness is the reason behind them; if you want to avoid such a situation, just keep them wet. While looking at synthetic wigs begin by noticing wig-friendly detangling sprays developed for this kind of fibers, not too dry and frizzy.

After you wash your wig or every now and then during the day, spray a little amount of detangler or conditioner so that it remains smooth always. Focus on the tips where knots usually originate then finger comb it gently with the fingers or use a wide tooth comb.

4. Store Your Wig Properly

In case you want to stop your wig from tangling, how you store it can make a great difference. Just throwing it on the table or putting it in the drawer will only make it become knotted and matted with time. Here are some ways to keep the wig from tangling while storing:

● Use a wig stand or mannequin head:

This will help in maintaining its shape as well as preventing collapse which contributes to knots and tangles formation.

● Cover with silk scarf or a wig cap:

This aids in reducing friction which is one of the causes of tangling, especially in long wigs.

● Avoid direct sunlight or excessive heat:

While storing your wig avoid direct sunlight or excessive heat because that can dry up the fibers leading them into being frizzy.

5. Avoid Excessive Heat and Styling

Excessive use of heat for styling can lead to dryness and damage of human hair wigs, making them more prone to tangling. While heat is tolerable with human hair wigs, curling irons, straighteners or blow dryers should rather have lower heat settings to prevent dryness and split ends.

The other side is that, in the case of synthetic wigs, unless they are specifically marked as heat-friendly then they should absolutely avoid heat at all costs. In addition to that even those which are “heat-friendly” wigs should keep off high temperatures so as not to tangle themselves up.

6. Be Mindful of Weather Conditions

Environmental factors such as humidity, wind and rain can destroy your wig causing it to tangle easily. If you decide to use your wig outside, especially during windy or humid weather, consider putting on a hat or scarf as a way of protecting it from these elements.

For longer wigs, tie them back in a low ponytail or wear them in a braid so that movement can be minimized thereby reducing friction resulting in tangles in the long run. Furthermore, simple hairstyles have been known for reducing risks of tangle while one is moving around.

7. Prevent Friction

One of the major reasons for tangling is friction, especially at the nape of the neck where wigs tend to rub on clothes. Below are some tips on how to prevent wig from tangling due to friction:

● Silk or satin materials are best to use if possible:

These types of fabrics create less friction compared to cotton or wool hence reducing the chances of tangling.

● For longer wigs:

Consider using them in an up-do or tying them back if they will be against rough materials like sweaters or coats.


Keeping your wig from tangling has everything to do with regular maintenance, storage, and protecting it from environmental stressors. You can keep your human hair wigs as well as synthetic ones smooth, shiny, and free from knots by brushing them regularly, washing them delicately, applying leave-in conditioners, and paying attention when storing and handling them.

These tips on preventing your wig from tangling not only help in prolonging its lifespan but also give you a more natural look that is easy to style each time you wear it.

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