Fancy dress, role playing anime, video games, comics and movies in particular has grown to be popular all over the globe. Any amazing cosplay look is not complete without the wig. Cosplay is characterized by a lively anime-style hairdo or a character with her or his elaborate braids. It is very imperative that the owners of wigs understand how to style their wigs. In this guide, we’re going to take you through the basics of wig styling, starting with the type of wig, moving all the way to techniques applicable to different types of wigs such as synthetic wigs. This will include how to glam the cosplay wigs, how to properly wear them and how to even wear and maintain your costume wigs for optimal outcome.

1. Choosing the Right Wig for Cosplay

However, before one can style wigs, he or she has to choose the appropriate wig for the character to enhance. The other things to consider when purchasing cosplay wigs are color, texture, and length of the wig because it determines the character’s hairstyle. The best type of wigs for cosplay since they are affordable and easy to come by and can be of synthetic or natural fiber type.

When choosing your wig:

  • Color Accuracy: Make sure the wig is the same color of hair as your character you are portraying. Synthetic wigs’ colors are also as vast as the sky; they come in flashy purples, reds, greens, yellows, oranges, pinks, blues, and browns by equal measure and even natural ones as well.
  • Length: Select a wig that is to suit the length of your hair character or as per your dramatic role. They can also be as long as you need, if it’s too long; you can always cut it down.
  • Fiber Quality: For styling products you may want to look for heat resistant synthetic fibers if you use things like straightens or curling irons.

2. How to Put On a Cosplay Wig

It’s now time to wear the wig — after you have chosen the best one for yourself. It might seem easy to wear a cosplay wig, but there are several tips which need to be followed for the wig to look natural and stay in place.

Step-by-Step Guide to Putting on a Cosplay Wig:

  • Prep Your Hair: If you have long hair then you should plat it or hold it tight against your head. Wig cap is as mandatory for short hair as for long hair so that the hair can be laid down properly in order to receive the wig.
  • Wear a Wig Cap: A wig cap is very important in placing your real hair and giving the wig something on which it will be placed on. Put the cap over your head so that all your hair falls inside the cap or is tucked inside the cap. It must be a close fit but not too tight.
  • Align the Wig: Hold the wig at the front hairline, in other words on the inner side of the wig’s hairline. Put it on your forehead and stretch it backward covering the area of the scalps. Make sure your wig is properly lined up to the hairline and both earpiece are centered.
  • Secure the Wig: There are always bobby pins and wig clips for use when looping the wig especially in a cosplay event that may last for several hours.

3. Styling a Cosplay Wig: Essential Techniques

From here, the fun comes—styling of wigs! When creating your cosplay, it is pertinent to find out how to put your wig in the right way according to the Role play Character. Here are the descriptions of some basic styling tips concerning synthetic and natural wigs.

3.1. How to Style a Synthetic Wig for Cosplay

Some of the most commonly used cosplay wigs are made out of synthetic fibers which may definitely behave differently to natural hair. Here’s how to work with these wigs:

  • Detangling: Synthetic hair wigs are known to get entangled so easily. First begin brushing the wig starting from the tips section of the wig using a wide-toothed comb or wig brush moving in an upward motion.
  • Heat Styling: In case you own a heat-approaching synthetic wig, you can style the hair using low heat tools such as the straighteners as well as curling irons. But it is always advisable to try a single strand to avoid the possibility of the fibers melting.
  • Adding Volume: For characters with large hair the wig can be teased at the top, to give extra volume. At this stage, a fine toothed comb should be used to back comb sections of the wig; after which the upper part is groomed.
  • Cutting and Trimming: Of course, if for some reason your wig is too long, or you want to have some bangs in it, you can trim it. That is why it is always recommended to use sharp scissors and cutting should be done slowly, trimming an extremely thin layer of the hair at a time. Thinning shears are also beneficial when it comes to creating the natural look and feel of hair.

3.2. How to Style a Costume Wig

These types of wigs worn alongside costumes may not be heat resistant hence the styling methods may be restricted. But there is no reason to be sad because even considering it, one can find a lot of means to make it great.

  • Shaping with Rollers: If you own wigs that you cannot make them endure heat, then you can use plastic rollers to curl the hair. When rolling, make sure you spray the wig with a little water then leave the wig to dry by being rolled as this helps in setting the curls of the wig.
  • Setting Spray for Hold: To secure your styling work, you should use a wig specific styling spray or hairspray. Do not use standard hair products as they will produce adverse effects to synthetic hair.
  • Spiking and Sculpting: If your character has rather unfashionable hair-spikes like in anime you may use styling gel or glue for wigs to fix them properly. In extreme shapes, one can use foam or wire inserts to hide within hair since it will hold the structure in place.

4. How to Maintain a Cosplay Wig

When well taken care of a wig will last for several cosplay events but one has to be very careful when storing and cleaning it.

  • Cleaning: Hand wash synthetic wigs with cold water combined with a wig shampoo and conditioner. Do not use hot water because it has a very detrimental effect on the fibers. Allow the wig to air dry preferably on a wig stand in order to retain its shape.
  • Storage: It is advisable to allow your wigs to air out and not flat them, therefore, you should store your wigs in a stand or their case. This way put on a hairnet around the wig to ensure that the hair is smooth.
  • Brushing: Do not brush your wig while it is wet and do not use normal brush as this may pull on the hair. A wide-tooth comb is recommended for the care of the style so as not to pull on the synthetic fibers used in making the hair.

5. Tips for Wearing and Styling a Cosplay Wig

Here are some additional tips to help make your wig styling experience smoother:

  • Practice Beforehand: Don’t wait till the day of the event to style and wear your wig as this may make your hair become damaged. It may be good to rehearse it a few times so that it looks good, and it will not topple over.
  • Use Hairpins: Make sure that you have a spare hairpin or clip so that you can pin part of the wig when you are in the middle of the day.
  • Heat Caution: In case you heat his synthetic wig, do not apply more heat than necessary, the recommended level being between 250 and 300°F for heat resistant fibers.
  • Comfort is Key: If one wears a wig all day then it’s rather uncomfortable and as much as one might want to check that her wig is firmly in place, don’t do it too tight, you might end up causing her a headache. It is advisable that the person using a wig should use a wig grip or cushion if he or she uses the wig for long hours.


For cosplay, learning to style wigs perfectly is essential for the improvement of your character representation. It is possible for anyone who wears wigs when cosplaying to look utterly professional or perfect if only one knows how to use the wigs properly by wearing them in the correct manner and taking good care of them. These tips will help both novices and experienced cosplayers alike in confidently wearing any character’s hairdo. A little practice and patience combined with some creativity will allow you to make wigs that really bring forth the personalities of those you love best.

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